Thank you for your interest in Jegon Industrial Services LLC. We are always interested in hiring qualified candidates who can be an asset to our company. Please fill out the form below and attach your resume. Our Human Resource team shall contact you once we have had a chance to review your resume.
Pre-employment physicals, ergonomic task testing, drug and alcohol testing, and background checks are the first steps in the due diligence process of a comprehensive Employee Screening Program. Our unique four step methodology and approach to a comprehensive and compliant employment Due Diligence Program sets Star apart from others in the industry.
• JEGON is NASAP and NABSC compliant HASC and DISA.
• TWIC – Transportation Worker Identification Credential –
Meeting the requirements of the federal mandate for unescorted workers in designated “secure” maritime facilities all JEGON filed employees will have a valid TWIC card.
• Audiometric Testing
• Medical Clearance for Respirator Use
• Respirator Fit Testing
Safety, Health and Environmental Training:
General safety training courses are conducted through lectures, videos, hands on demonstrations and multi-media computer programs. Safety education is provided by the local area contractors safety councils and qualified JEGON site safety managers. The minimum safety training for a JEGON field employee shall include:
• New Hire Orientation
• Basic Plus (OSHA mandated orientation)
• Confined Space training
• Fall protection Systems training
• Respirator training
• Hearing Conservation