

JEGON has a vast experience providing shop and field specialty welding services. Our primary strengths are the experience and skills of our crafts personnel, the quality of our work, our ability to respond rapidly to client emergencies. We employ highly skilled, specialized welders and certified welding inspectors.

Welding Services  Types of Equipment

• Overlays & Vessel Repairs
• Furnace/ Heaters/ Boilers
• Tubes and Convection Box
• Stack and Flare
• Towers/ Drums
• Cyclones/ Dipleg/ Trickle-V
• Heat Exchangers/ Re-Boilers
• Air Coolers/ Fin-Fan/ Fan Motor
• Service and Process Piping
• Reactors/ Trays/ Downcomers
• Compressors and Pumps
• And More!

National Board & ASME Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Piping Code Stamps


JEGON insures all  welding,  including  tack welding,  will be performed using qualified welders in accordance with ASME Section (AWS) Standard Welding Procedures  (SWPSs)  listed in the  NBIC may also be used.  Welding Procedures Specifications (WPS) shall be prepared and qualified by the QCM. The QCM shall insure that all WPS’s are in compliance with ASME Section IX and the applicable code of construction.

Qualification of Welders , Welding Operations , building, repair and fabrication for API code compliance.

PRE/RE- Qualification of Welders, Maintenance of Welder Qualifications.

Production Welding, Welding Materials,  Welding Records, Welding Inspections

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